Saturday, April 3, 2004

" Solo flight"

 Solo flight

I spread my wings as I fly all alone

I soar above the clouds all on my own

It is the only way this life could be

I search so deep throughout eternity

To find an answer to the conundrum

The reason why mankind remains so numb

It's been a lonely flight along the way

But, celebrations still come every day

Five minutes have become ten years, at least

To rend humanity from maw of beast

For simple-minded way in which we live

A barrier I burst and learned to give

Way more than I expected at the start

To free the love and open up the heart

Friday, April 2, 2004

"Tides of confidence"

Tides of confidence*

As I stride the shores of life and doubt

Tides of confidence wash in and out

The slightest indecision genders bout

A flaw or imprecision renders rout

The ripples in the waves presage a storm

I look to sea to view its mass and form

But, from the depths is drawn from moon above

The surge of  confidence in heart and love
