Sunday, June 20, 2004

"Simple magic"

Each cell of my being

Each fiber of life

Each heartbeat agreeing

Each moment is rife

Celebration, elation; each movement the body does sing

'Tis the way unto transit the time

When each moment is set to the rhyme

In the wonder at all that unfolds as life sings

No destruction is found in the depths of heartstrings

Validation is gained when you view

All the places you look at in you

Not encumbered or caught

By the gestures so wrought

In another's deep thought

No more shadows are fought

No more hiding your thought

The embellishments sought

Are in you

To relish each movement with flowing surprise

Through the pain and the song in each glowing reprise

The life that goes on through the will and the way

Embraces the loving in every way

The breath will still catch

And the heartstrings still stretch

With the love of a one above all

No matter the fate or the fall

Just each moment and breath

'Til the end that is death

Is caught with the wonder of all

Then, you fly and you never will fall


In some ways, I guess this is an update to "The drum" as I further study how to remain whole in an existence that is doing its damnedest to make it otherwise.   w

Saturday, June 19, 2004

"Script of fire"

Once again, it changes and becomes all rearranged
All of life and all I know comes through to me estranged
I know not what is coming but the fire burns ever brighter
The glowing script of fire burns through the pen onto the writer
Heat of life burns through me now from bone right through to skin
It churns the waters, swirling life and with it all I spin
No cold can chill these bones
The thrumming overtones
Ring boldly through the air to shake the sea
The thunder is a swan song call to me


Tuesday, June 1, 2004



Synchronizing life in newest form

Three millennia's tumultuous storm

Synchronicity of human life

Reality relieved of all the strife

Yes, I had a job to do

In thanks for you

I love that I love thee

Une Autre Vie