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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Changing channels

We interrupt your current programming to bring you back to reality after a ten year hiatus from any touch with reality and three millennia of utter confoundedness.

We lost touch with reality when we gained our heightened awareness of the situation we inherited.  No fault of ours but we couldn't get over it.  It's time to move on.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Nature vs Nurture

Nature vs Nurture

What is 'natural' for a sentient being?

It is natural for a sentient being to perceive reality on a scale that an animal cannot begin to imagine.

We have tried the nurture routine for three millennia.  We have tried to train the animal to act like a human.  It is not enough.  The animal must become human.  It is a painful, slow, belittling process to train the animal.  It is best to cut through the inertia and stupour and get to the point.  Thinking is natural for a human being.  Men applying themselves to learn how to make love is human.  All it takes is sentient thought to understand how a man can learn to make love.  Thinking and loving coitus are natural for a sentient being.  The conclusion is loving coitus is human.

The armed camps of the genders can thrash their way through but it is no answer.  It remains armed camps and the stupour remains.  

        It was a necessary step to force the male gender to realize (admit, that is) what has been missing.  Loving coitus.  Loving coitus is the only route to clear away the stupour and armed camps.  Loving coitus makes us human.  Loving coitus is the final step in attaining our humanity.

Loving coitus creates equality and equitable treatment, not to mention love.

Training to love

There is only one reason that men would apply themselves to learn how to make love.  By doing so, they are expressing their love for the feminine gender.  They are training themselves to love.  They are becoming human.  Until they do so, they are not a loving race of sentient beings.

Training to remain an animal

While we talk about love and the finer quality characteristics, like honour, dignity, integrity, etc, we are trained to remain animals by inertia of history.

We are caught in the trap of past precedent.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The puzzle, the riddle, and the dots

   I have referred to the process of realization of the trouble that we have endured for the last three millennia as a puzzle, a riddle, and connecting dots.  All three apply.

It began for me as a riddle.  What is wrong with humanity?  I first realized what was wrong at an intuitive level.  All I knew, at that point, was that a man's mindset was affected in the most awful manner by something that no one suspected.  That has always been there for anyone that looked.  That took forty years.

The next step was to connect the dots.  That took fourteen books and fifteen years.

The last step has been to take all of the pieces of the puzzle and begin to fit them into a montage of what humanity can be.

The last piece of the puzzle that I have been able to fit into place is fusion.  Another word for it is love.  It is love as defined by a sentient race that knows what it is doing.  I doubt I will be able to explain fusion/love to my own satisfaction in this lifetime.  I guess, if it comes down to it, I will be content.

The previous interpretation of love was a dimwitted animal's view on something an animal could never understand.  How to explain?  

What we have done, up to this point, is fit love into the puzzle of an animal's existence.  It never worked because love is not for animals.  Love is for humans.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Nowhere to turn

 I was just thinking of the points I made in the post on Lessons Learned, as I was scanning a few of the very various books that I have read over a lifetime (that's a lot of books).

I started to realize that there is nowhere to turn to learn the fundamental lessons that need to be learned (other than my writings).  We continue to follow a dialogue that the animal began thousands of years ago.  We remain only an animal with too much brains.  Too bad, really.  There is no reason for it to continue.

There are no changes required for humanity to become human, other than education of the heart.  There are no genetic changes that will improve the species.  It is not a matter of more education of the mind.  It is all about the heart and the sentient senses that have been heightened to such an extent that it drives the witless animal mad, but not the loving human.  We are all sentient.  We all retain the heightened awareness of a sentient being.  It has just been forced into a stupour for three millennia by the lack of love.  We continue to act like animals. 

Only a sentient human, with full access to its sentient awareness and a desire to do so, can improve the species.  There is only one way to educate the heart.  

The Pavlovian exercise of conditioning the mind, the manipulation of a sentient reality into something distorted and dystopian, is the critical cog that must be removed to set free our minds in order to educate the heart.   In other words, we need to free the mind in order to educate the heart.  That is freedom.

Lessons learned

All of the lessons we have learned have been handed down generation after generation.  Very similar to the evolutionary process.  Each generation tweaks the insanity a little and passes it on to the next generation.  The lessons are influenced by the pushback of the next generation (infuriated by the awful conditions they have inherited while they still attempt to seek clarity), causing the previous generation to create even more gobbledy-gook to justify the insane condition in which they have existed.  Who can admit that they have lived within an existence that is utterly confused and unclear?  Many justify their existence their whole life long until they are a bitter wreck.   Most settle for less.

We have learned a lot of wrong lessons.  

We keep convincing ourselves that we are not suited to a sentient existence.  In rare instances, we attempt to become human.

Seldom is there any real progress.  It has been the blind leading the blind because the truth is so extremely difficult to perceive amidst the calamity and clamour of the animal's take on a sentient existence.  The clamour makes it nearly impossible to hear the song of humanity calling.  The calamity is increasing all of the time as our sentient awareness becomes more insistent to be heard.  Sentience seeks clarity.

Anyways, I realize now that part of the answer to the third puzzle lies in this drilling that all of us go through as we emerge into life surrounded by others that are dressed up like they know what is going on, as if they were human, but only add to the confusion.

I'm pretty certain, now, that there will be no next book.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


This is a perfect example of where dialogue would make a huge difference.  Maybe it is just a matter of I am tired of wracking my brain endlessly to put the pieces together.  It is certain that it would all come so much more easily with someone engaged, as I am, in elevating humanity to a sentient, loving, caring existence, free of the dystopia in which we remain immerse.  This is just such a significant piece of the puzzle.  It can clear up any confusion, but "discussing it with myself" is just too much for me any longer.  I tried to rewrite the words to convey the message and am finding it more difficult than I feel like dealing with any longer.

I am attempting to explain the forces that damage our self-respect and leave us like puppets on a string.  All due to humanity's inability to make coitus a human endeavour.  This is freedom, if it is ever attained.


Our self-respect, as a race and individuals, has been damaged ever since we realized that coitus was not acceptable in its current form to a sentient race.  The obdurate way in which we have avoided clarity on the subject has damaged our self-respect.  The loss of self-respect begins in men, when they reach puberty.  It is passed onto women through domination, distraction, and distortions to the human condition.

While coitus has been perfection for the conception of children and the propagation of a species, there has always been something missing, long before humanity arrived.  We convince ourselves that it must remain missing or 'that's just the way it is' because we are no better than an animal.  That should stun you.  

Loving should begin with the act of coitus.  It should not be reserved only for the conception of children.  That is an animal's stupoured thought.  We are obsessed with having children, which should be expected from an animal that has attained a higher level of thinking but never attained a sentient perspective.

We first realized the riddle, or at least expressed it in multiple ways, beginning about three thousand years ago.  At that point, a few, at least, struggled with the conundrum before it was buried under by fiction, farce, and force.

The damage to humanity's self-respect only began with the realization as our heightened awareness began to make itself known and the growing realization that there was more that the act of coitus should express.  It should express love.  Other ways in which to make the physical expression of love, through mutual satisfaction, are all well and good but they are all a substitute for the single uniquely human way in which to do so.  

Since it was up to one gender to make the act of coitus human and loving, that gender has gone through three millennia-long mental gymnastics, delusions, and deceptions like an illusionist's attempt to play 'look over there, not over here'.  It could be suggested it has been a game of hide and seek, except that we have never, ever sought resolution in a sentient manner.  

The barren prospect of bedding  a woman with coitus in which he is only taking and giving very little in return has caused endless contortions and distortions to the sexual landscape of humanity.

Yes, any form of sharing that love is better than none.  The only real problem is that we have avoided the only one that is uniquely human and humanity can achieve with ease: unassisted loving coitus, if it would only try.  It is the only form of sex that is uniquely and distinctly human.  No other living being can fulfill, or even conceive of loving coitus.  So far, that includes humans.  All it takes is men realizing they can be masters of their own bodies.

That is the problem we have already faced that first damaged humanity's self-respect long ago.  

We conceived of the proposition three millennia ago, long before we could do anything about it.

Men's self-respect was cut off at the knees.   They were not equipped, at the time, to succeed at what their increasing sentient awareness made apparent.  Instead, they self-respect became damaged as they excused the problem, since they were unable to do anything about it.  That has changed.  

The broken self-respect in themselves and others was collateral damage caused by sentient awareness realizing that coitus could be so much more before humanity was equipped to comprehend the realization and do something about it.

Maybe the best description of it I ever came up with is that when every man knows how to love there are no Don Juans or Casanovas, just loving men.

Shame, guilt, and self-respect 

This was my second attempt to clarify the forces that prevent us from becoming human.

This is another way to discuss self-respect and the internal and external forces that make us act as we do.  I've talked about it as such for a long time.  I finally have a name for the internal forces.  Self-respect, shame, and guilt.  

The external forces have names like peer or cultural pressure, religion, laws.  The external forces attempt to try to drive individuals in a certain direction by playing on internal forces guilt and shame.  It is not always purposeful, as with some (many?) corporate cultures that influence people towards sociopathy.  Unfortunately, the forces that play to the animal have been reinforced by those that only see the animal, like economics.  They proclaim what they see, an animal, never even considering why the animal traits remain in force.  

External forces are never entirely successful at overcoming internal forces.  The external forces to instill good behaviour are currently confronted with internal forces of shame and guilt.  The self-respect that needs no external forces to support it has remained in shambles.  Sociopathy has been very successful, because of the current state of shame and guilt of the prehuman.  Since the beginning, those feelings of shame and guilt have been disguised behind masks of pompousness and bombast.  Of late, it has been known as toxic masculinity.  What I have written in all of the books is why those forces of shame and guilt have remained and why the human state of self-respect has remained unattained.

Internal forces have never really been considered before, except as a fulcrum to be used by external forces.  The external forces to induce good behaviour have played on the shame and guilt.  It is almost as if the female gender sensed what was going on with men long, long ago.  For obvious reasons that can only work to the slightest extent.  

The internal force that counts is self-respect.  It remains absent in men for the reason I have discussed endlessly.  The internal forces all come down to whether the individual's self-respect remains completely in tact.  Shame and guilt prey and weaken one's self-respect.  Self-respect is the only internal force that has no need to be prodded in the direction of doing the right thing and cannot be persuaded or convinced to do the wrong thing.

Women's self-respect has no naturally occurring internal weaknesses.  There is nothing in a woman to create weakness in her view of self.  Men, on the other hand, are assaulted from inside due to a single feeling of weakness.  From the time men reach puberty, their inability to make coitus a loving act begins to haunt them.  It has haunted men since the time we first woke to our sentient consciousness that includes an incredibly enhanced awareness of existence.  That awareness quickly perceived the inequitable situation of coitus in its animal form.  That can be dated, without doubt, to have occurred three thousand years ago.  We are not just animals.  As we became aware of the situation, men's evolving self-respect became assaulted by shame and guilt.

Women keep their self-respect in tact unless it is battered by outside forces which are applied by men.  Men never fully attain their self-respect due to the internal forces of shame and guilt as they realize that they are not providing equitably for women when it comes to loving coitus.  As if our sentient consciousness was not enough, the eye to eye nature of human coitus reinforces the shame and feelings of guilt.  That is when and where our sentient state becomes compromised.

External forces are used by women to try to prop men up, belay their feelings of shame.  Men use external forces to try to bring women low because of men's internally generated shame due to their inability to love a woman wholly in the eye to eye proposition that Nature provided.  Nothing less than success at loving coitus has a chance to end the circuitous nonsense.

Women have bent over backwards since the beginning in an attempt to make men feel alright about it.  Men have done everything in their power to obfuscate the situation through distraction.  "Look over there.  Not over here."  This has confounded our sentient existence since the beginning.

The core problem is that men could never face up to the gap in human life caused by rutting coitus.  It is not a sentient endeavor.  That is so clear that we created a stupour to hide it away.  It has always needed to be superseded by loving coitus.  This is why they have so forcefully taken the reins of society.  The situation has never improved due to men and they know it.  They have just never been able to face it.  That and only that generates the chaos that has bent the back of the human condition to the point of breaking.

It was stupoured of humanity to do so, but that should be expected when sophisticated communication in the form of words and heightened thought and awareness developed long before the knowledge necessary to even comprehend the situation clearly and cogently.  The awareness of the situation did not coincide with the eloquence and capable articulation necessary to assess the situation dispassionately.  Instead, it was buried deeply in the subconscious.  The lack of knowledge also prevented men from realizing that they can overcome the simple animal instincts that cause them to fall short of the target.  The blinded mindset instilled long ago has prevented men from ever considering that this can change, that loving coitus can easily supersede rutting coitus.  Instead, they become increasingly convinced that there was nothing to be done.  Even in the face of evidence to the contrary, they have persisted in assuming failure is their lot in life.  

Men have never seriously considered that our sentient nature, our intellect and ability to think can overcome the inhibitions of the past and the animal instincts.  They can.  Easily.  The initial effort will be tremendous but the results crucially necessary.  Men can become master of their bodies.  Success at loving coitus can become as natural as the failure to do so is for an animal.

I have said often that 99% of men fall short of the real target of human, loving coitus.  The target that has been adopted by men, in their shame, is to suggest that a two or three minutes timespan is to be expected.  This is supposed to make men feel better.  It does not.  The target has nothing to do with time.  It has to do with loving a woman.  Until men learn to love unassisted, they will continue to be burdened with shame.  So far, that shame and guilt have remained hidden in the shadows.  The shame and guilt has led men to the preposterous antics that they have continued to enact for millennia, becoming more and more preposterous as time progresses.  If you cannot look around and see the ludicrousness  and ineptness of our current situation, you should not be reading this.

The open acceptance of the situation, even as it is, would alleviate the shame and guilt to some extent.  It would, at least, allow us to comprehend our situation without blinders.  As long as men feel the shame but never identify it, they will fall back on the reactions and responses of an animal.  An animal has no self-respect.  It only knows survival.  It (the human equivalent) will scrape, lie, cheat, steal, kill, and distract when outside forces have had no effect to raise them above their lowest animal level.  This is the war of the sexes.  The shame and guilt must be eliminated in order for self-respect to transform the male gender into something wholly human.  Other than the failure of loving coitus, there is little that can weaken a human's self-respect.  Men must liberate themselves from the scourge.

Women have been attempting to use outside forces to alleviate men's suffering in shame and guilt, though I don't think many women perceive it as such.  It is perceived as just attempting to tame the men into something resembling human.  There is no doubt it has kept us from falling over the edge, but it is not enough.  Look around.  We are teetering on the edge of nuclear war.  All because men have something to hide.  

Men, meanwhile, have tried to drag women down to their level due to their inability to face their shame by creating distractions in the form of chaos (think Pandora's Box).  Men are slowly succeeding at dragging the whole race to a bitter end.

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Grin and bear it or "Uh oh!"

As the season continues not to turn, I am getting a very uncomfortable feeling.

We have spent our existence in an animal's stupour, endlessly living out the phrase, "Grin and bear it".  It is an animal's utterance.  We convince ourselves that the ongoing pain is inevitable as we continue to destroy our world.

We continue to think that we are surviving by doing so.  That is not the case.   Our ineptness at sentience is beginning to pile up, causing endless havoc.  Survival alone is not enough for a sentient race.  

Let me emphasize.  It is not sentience that is at fault.  It is our ongoing ineptness at sentience that causes all of the trouble.

We are no longer a frog in hot water.  It is beginning to boil.  All because we can't see our way through to a sentient perspective.

A sentient race has no choice but to take its own reins in hand and move forward with a will and the sense that Nature provided. 

 If the race wants to survive.  We are still off in the weeds believing we are only animals with brains that became to capable.  

Nature provided a way forward for a sentient race.   All we need do is accept what our sentience has been telling us all along.  

The human race is meant to love.  Hate is not the flip side of love.  It is the animal's take on a sentient existence with which it cannot cope.  A human can.  We continue to hide from the truth because men are so afraid it is not the truth.  A man can learn to love.  With ease.  

Specifically, a human can learn to love.  That is beyond the capability of an animal and the male gender is convinced it is no more than an animal.  Only one gender has any difficulty at all with this concept that they can love.  The other gender does it with no trouble at all, unless broken by the male gender.

A sentient race has no choice but to succeed, if it wants to survive.  For a sentient race, success at being sentient, loving, and human equals survival.

The dimwitted beast that we remain will not utter, "Uh Oh" until it is far too late for the human race and far too late for the human race to do anything about it.  We will gawk at all that goes wrong and throw up our hands as we have always done.

I also mentioned elsewhere that we have been soft-selling how severe the effects of climate change would become.  The climate models do not take into account the way that complex systems operate when stressed severely.  The whole point of climate models are meant to extrapolate on the past under changing conditions.  They are not meant to model the broader scope of complex systems under stress.  I just read on piece that actually, at least, mentions that climate is undergoing a degree of stress that it has never before encountered.  Still, even if we figure that out, the prehuman will just look on in its dumbstruck way.  

Uh oh.

Complex systems do not just gracefully move from one state to another radically different state.  They break severely before recovering.  When it recovers, it will not necessarily recover in a way conducive to human life.  

Nature is the most complex system we have ever studied.

What should one expect when the cold storage at the poles lose their ability to store cold?

This is one post in which I could easily go off into a rant and a rage, but what would be the point?

I am not saying it is the end of humanity, though that is possible.  I am saying that the environment is going to become so miserable that all of the over-extended animal's witless hate, angst, misery, and viciousness will be amplified.

Everyone with an animal take on life is going to want someone to blame and no one is going to be willing to take the responsibility nor admit that it is the masses that have always been dying to be led that are as much at fault as those that choose to lead.  They want to be led because a sentient existence has been too much for them.  The leaders are fool enough to believe they are doing anything but exacerbating the problem.

There is only one way out of the mess.  Loving coitus (I keep saying 'unassisted' which is redundant.  Coitus will only be loving when it is unassisted and successful at fulfilling both rather than neither).

Monday, September 23, 2024


As I become more cognizant of the actual situation, I realize that we have always been seeking the truth, or clarity, if you prefer.  It is sentient nature to do so.  That is why rutting coitus disturbs us so and why loving coitus will change the way we exist in fundamental ways.

While, until just lately, we hadn't gotten very far, the inconsistencies of our lives and the lies that are thrown about are becoming more apparent at an earlier and earlier age.  That is far from unraveling the truth, but it shows that we have always been set upon the course of reality, honesty, and truth.

It's just that, in the past, it has come so late in life that the delusions, misdirection, and outright deceptions of the animal were well in place before the sense that something was not right began to intrude.

I've mentioned before that sentience seeks one thing: clarity.  Anything less bewilders us.  

       Those that have fallen by the wayside into the animals' domain of stupour do their best to obscure that clarity. 

It doesn't mean those that are as stupoured as can be don't sense the truth and desire the clarity.  It is just that they have become overwhelmed and bewildered by the animal's certainty that it is too much for them to absorb.  It means their lives have misled them.  The animal's intent to remain in the stupour that every past generation has handed down to us has been etched deeply into their brain's pathways.

    Another way to look at this is that the long chain that ties us to the animal has successfully remained, long after it made any sense to remain.  The animal is too stupid to seek clarity.  The stupour of the animal is because it is so stupid that it cannot seek clarity.  We have continuously stupoured ourselves down to the capabilities of an animal, long after we achieved the sentient capability to seek clarity.

I get it now (oh, I love the double entendres)

 I finally get why I wrote endlessly for fifteen years.  I don't know exactly how to describe knowing something but not having the words in which to describe it, but that is the state in which I existed for the last fifteen years.

Essentially, I was seeking clarity amidst the clamour of the animal.  I was seeking the language of sentience.

Now I get it.  Now it all falls in place with little effort.  It is such a relief - at least most of the time, while I am not stressing out about how clueless the rest of humanity remains.  

I might be able to explain it all better.  Or, humanity can begin to use the brains with which it is born.


Yet another way to look at it all.  When one is young, one doesn't know very much at all (similar to our ancient ancestors), but there is a growing desire, as puberty takes one by storm, for something that is difficult to define (at the time).  We are seeking clarity against a manufactured obscurity that has existed and grown for three millennia.

As we age (individual and race), we begin to sense so much more.  We seek reality, clarity, honesty, truth, and sense.

Reality, honesty, and truth

I am shocked to find the answer to something that has always bothered me.  It now seems so straightforward but, maybe, I am just gaining access to the missing 90%.

It is so stunningly simple.  Sentience will only be satisfied when clarity prevails.  It is interesting to realize that youth senses that all is not right, that something is being forcibly hidden.  Until we achieve clarity, we remain a bewildered animal.  There is no sentience until we face the honest truth.  Loving coitus is for humans.  Humans are for loving coitus.

    It will be like dominoes falling, once we accept the crucial truth.

   "Perception is reality"  is the statement of a fool, a stupoured animal.

    A human will be able to distinguish between demented perceptions and truth, madness and clarity.

Psychology of entrapment

I have said for a long time that men take, women give, and it begins in bed.  I fear that this sentence passes right by everyone without sinking in.  So, let me try again.  It will still require thinking.

We are trained over a lifetime to react to situations by the way the situations affect us.  The aggressive male animal uses violence and deception to intimidate the human, female, sentient being, instead of adopting a loving, caring sentient nature.   

    This is because the man going to bed with a woman and only succeeding at achieving his own sexual satisfaction has consequences on his mindset.  It teaches the man that he is all about taking, like an animal.  As the stupoured state of the animal persisted, men convinced themselves there was nothing to be done and women convinced themselves that's 'just the way it is'.

    While alternative ways in which to satisfy a woman relieves the madness to some extent, it still leaves humanity unfulfilled because it still leaves the awesome capability of the man's mastery of his own body unfulfilled.  I cannot begin to describe the major ramifications of this success on the male gender and humanity. 

If it weren't for the millennia of conditioning to accept the failure and never consider the situation at all, never allow it to be broached, we would have broken through to the truth that it is easy for a male, thinking, sentient being to overcome the limitations of the animal long ago.

The heart is meant to rule.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Psychology of Freedom

  Maybe what has actually been missing from my phrase "Men take, women give, and it starts in bed" is its counterpoint.  So, let me try to explain.

I was just thinking of the current instantiation of love, in which a man strives madly to impress a woman, then takes her for granted or worse.  Today, it is still just a game of conquering.  Just like a witless animal would envision it.  Because the man has been constrained from returning the love with full fanfare.

I began to wonder if women thought the striving for their love would change if men learn to love.

If they think of it in that context of men learning to love, then they are probably not misled.  But, that seems unlikely to be the context taken.

If they think of it in terms of men's sexual prowess (or current lack thereof) becoming a dominating force, then they may be misled.  As I've said elsewhere, when every man is a Casanova, then no man is a Casanova.  They are just loving men.   We can quit the crazy obsessions regarding sex and love as separate entities and get to the real thing, intertwined with each other (love that D.E.).

Of course, men will still strive to love.  That is the point.  They will learn to love.  Part of the problem is that men fantasize about being good at sex because they are so terrible at it now.  It has become an obsession.  Once they all realize that they can learn to be good at coitus, it all changes.  The obsession with sex becomes the reality of love.  One leads to the other.  The obsession subsides to passion as the act of coitus becomes a loving act and leads to the fulfillment of love.  Finally.  The difference being that they will finally, after three millennia of futzing it all up, succeed at love as they learn to give in bed in the most natural way possible.

There's another point that's been bothering me.  The prevailing thought seems to be that real men must be assholes.  If they are not, they are deemed effeminate.  That is so screwed up (of course) that I don't know where to begin.  

The coupling of 'manhood' to an animal-like demeanor is deeply imprinted on the human race and it is so screwed up and so deeply ingrained in our history of men never overcoming the animal that it is difficult to counter.

Men do not need to act like animals.  That is the simplest description of the situation we face.  Men becoming seriously loving beings does not mean they become women.  That is so far off track that anyone should be ashamed to think it and, yet, that is the current thinking of nearly everyone.

Men becoming seriously loving beings means they will finally become human beings, like women.  When men have thrown off the shackles that continue to bind them to the animal by learning to love, we will see what a loving, sentient, human male is all about.  It will be nothing like a woman, except they will both be loving, mature human beings.  And, yes, expect the woman to change also as  she receives the same love that she has always offered (and been denied).  That sentence bothers me.  It says more than may be apparent.  Did you get that not only has she been denied the love but her offer has also been denied?

Some few men may make a good show of accepting the offer but, even so, the offer is seldom, if ever, accepted fully.  

Unless a man learns to love, how can it be otherwise? 
We have toyed around with the words love and making love for millennia but have never fulfilled their human aspects.  They remain an animal's perspective on what an animal can never understand.
        Men do not need to act like animals.  It is a question of inertia and internal forces that bend the male gender's mind.  Really, think of the gender, not this or that male.  The inertia to fail at loving began a billion years ago (okay, a few hundred million, at least).  It only became a problem with the sentient human.  The internal forces generated in a male sentient being force him to face the fact that he fails at loving.  The male gender has done its best to keep that realization buried in the stupour of the animal.  We call the stupour, the subconscious.  That, of course, cannot contain something that is repeated so often.  If you've read some of the rest of my work, then, maybe, you can link more of the points of interest.
        We can be human.

Friday, September 20, 2024


 I just thought of the perfect example of the type of conditioning that made the subject of sex taboo. 

The conditioning by pedophiles to convince the children that they should not talk about the abuse they have endured is a direct descendant of the conditioning to avoid the subject of sex and coitus in particular.  The conditioning forced on those children, that if they utter a word on the subject, they will be persecuted, reviled, is exactly the same as the pernicious thoughts regarding the act of coitus.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

" The leaf"

A single leaf upon the water flowing down the stream

Ripples in the water push the leaf along a scheme

A stick may drag, a rock may swirl, the leaf's path undefined

But, still the leaf goes on its way accepting course assigned

To tumble down the falls of chance to rumble in the tide

The swirling, frothing, mists enshroud, a moment to abide

But, out it goes, still moving on, relentless is the ride

Upon the times that fortune grants, and grace the tree supplied

"Moon Shadows"

The silence smothers all of mankind's sound

The moon's bright shadows sharply cast aground

Just a whisper coming from the trees

A rustle in the shadow that agrees

Enchantment rules the sliver of the moon

The whispers and the rustlings do commune

Does light or shadow tell the mythic tale

Of lunar wizardry in light so pale

The larkings in the shadows now resume

The shadows are the bride, the light the groom

Reflecting into shadows of the knight

Suddenly from shadows comes the light


 There have been times within my life that seemed so picturesque

That left my mind the imprint of a complex arabesque

A feel, a smell, or pattern left across the fields of mind

All senses well arrayed to swell the heart and later find

A vision, blinding, in its gift to take the breath away

Triggered by a sight or scent or song I seldom play

A song in heart that sings a sigh that only my heart hears

A surge of soul that slumbered deep across the spanning years

Perchance to wake at slightest hint of something in the past

And thunder through the senses fully wrought and fully massed

Like breath upon a window pane, the intervening years

The sun burns through the foggy view and silent, windswept tears

And brings it all back home again, head bowed, I softly kneel

It brings the will to heightened state of majesty and steel

Eternal sighs, again, might be a phrase that I could use

But, breathless, from the memory, is word that I would choose

Beauty binds a way of life that captures as it sends

It happens just so often now, I wonder what portends

A hint of things to come?  Of pure beauty's final race?

I staggerdrop and wonderfall at thought I might embrace

All of life, complete the dream, then, gone without a trace

"The Rainbow Knight"

The Rainbow Knight, along the river, walked in prism dreams

The sun was shining on the ripples in chromatic streams

And, now, he pondered light and hue

Once more, the spectral sight in view

Of passion's willing ways

His stride was broken by a thought of life in toneless tale

At the thought, a pain was wrought, that heart and will would fail

The wind picked up and tossed the whim

The river washed it past the rim

To shores of pallid days

He felt, within his glowing heart, the end of burden's blight

The mystic gleam cast, from afar, kaleidoscopic light

And, with the rippled light between

A brilliance settled with a sheen

To set the world ablaze