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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Grin and bear it or "Uh oh!"

As the season continues not to turn, I am getting a very uncomfortable feeling.

We have spent our existence in an animal's stupour, endlessly living out the phrase, "Grin and bear it".  It is an animal's utterance.  We convince ourselves that the ongoing pain is inevitable as we continue to destroy our world.

We continue to think that we are surviving by doing so.  That is not the case.   Our ineptness at sentience is beginning to pile up, causing endless havoc.  Survival alone is not enough for a sentient race.  

Let me emphasize.  It is not sentience that is at fault.  It is our ongoing ineptness at sentience that causes all of the trouble.

We are no longer a frog in hot water.  It is beginning to boil.  All because we can't see our way through to a sentient perspective.

A sentient race has no choice but to take its own reins in hand and move forward with a will and the sense that Nature provided. 

 If the race wants to survive.  We are still off in the weeds believing we are only animals with brains that became to capable.  

Nature provided a way forward for a sentient race.   All we need do is accept what our sentience has been telling us all along.  

The human race is meant to love.  Hate is not the flip side of love.  It is the animal's take on a sentient existence with which it cannot cope.  A human can.  We continue to hide from the truth because men are so afraid it is not the truth.  A man can learn to love.  With ease.  

Specifically, a human can learn to love.  That is beyond the capability of an animal and the male gender is convinced it is no more than an animal.  Only one gender has any difficulty at all with this concept that they can love.  The other gender does it with no trouble at all, unless broken by the male gender.

A sentient race has no choice but to succeed, if it wants to survive.  For a sentient race, success at being sentient, loving, and human equals survival.

The dimwitted beast that we remain will not utter, "Uh Oh" until it is far too late for the human race and far too late for the human race to do anything about it.  We will gawk at all that goes wrong and throw up our hands as we have always done.

I also mentioned elsewhere that we have been soft-selling how severe the effects of climate change would become.  The climate models do not take into account the way that complex systems operate when stressed severely.  The whole point of climate models are meant to extrapolate on the past under changing conditions.  They are not meant to model the broader scope of complex systems under stress.  I just read on piece that actually, at least, mentions that climate is undergoing a degree of stress that it has never before encountered.  Still, even if we figure that out, the prehuman will just look on in its dumbstruck way.  

Uh oh.

Complex systems do not just gracefully move from one state to another radically different state.  They break severely before recovering.  When it recovers, it will not necessarily recover in a way conducive to human life.  

Nature is the most complex system we have ever studied.

What should one expect when the cold storage at the poles lose their ability to store cold?

This is one post in which I could easily go off into a rant and a rage, but what would be the point?

I am not saying it is the end of humanity, though that is possible.  I am saying that the environment is going to become so miserable that all of the over-extended animal's witless hate, angst, misery, and viciousness will be amplified.

Everyone with an animal take on life is going to want someone to blame and no one is going to be willing to take the responsibility nor admit that it is the masses that have always been dying to be led that are as much at fault as those that choose to lead.  They want to be led because a sentient existence has been too much for them.  The leaders are fool enough to believe they are doing anything but exacerbating the problem.

There is only one way out of the mess.  Loving coitus (I keep saying 'unassisted' which is redundant.  Coitus will only be loving when it is unassisted and successful at fulfilling both rather than neither).

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