Saturday, September 7, 2024

"The reason for unreason"

 This poem was a direct lead into pursuing a sentient perspective.  It was clear in an intuitive way already.

The reason for unreason

In the depths of distant time a sentience emerged

Onward, upward, was the passion that their essence urged

But, chaos did ensue for they had made a slight mistake

Embarrassed and unwitting, they had thrown at heart a stake

Love and honour were the ones that fell upon the ground

And, witness to the sad affair; all reason was unsound

A pall occurred when mention of the act was ever made

So silence and unreason took the stage and farce was played

To see the truth and shout it, only echoes do return

Until the truth is evident, for all, the heart will burn

Rage and fury settle in, for price that we have paid

A challenge made, a gauntlet thrown, that reason will cascade

I cannot seem to raise the tide, a glamour does reside

Will is not enough, it seems, to raise the ocean wide

But, will and effort integrate, an iron without match

A hammer built for all mankind to break unreason's latch

Forged in our humanity, while flames were flying high

A breath of life for all of us, a message in a sigh

Life and living's hard enough without unreason's weight

Take the chance of life and heart and, then, you will relate

There is an answer to the drum that's heard on summit's peak

A celebration of this life undoes what havocs wreak

I really wish I could take this all with equanimity.  I try, but it's difficult.  Being a strategist to the bone, that it takes time for it to seep through the muck.  I also know it has to be getting through.  It will penetrate the stupour over time.  It is truly just that I am impatient with the stupour.  I want it gone and gone for good.  It's about damn time.

I hate the idea of another book but, this one will be different and not just in degree.  I could really use an editor.

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