Friday, September 6, 2024

As good as it gets, redone

 As good as it gets√

Darned, don't I love double entendres.
Maybe as good as it gets, today, is a man with low sexual drive, since the woman can probably tolerate inadequate sex once in a long while.
Or, maybe it is a man who is willing to humble himself enough to find an alternative way to make sure the woman is as satisfied as he with the sexual engagement.
Or, maybe it is other sexual orientations.
Or, maybe it's the couple with low expectations.  Life sucks and, then, you die.  
        My expectations remain sky high.
It is certainly not the couple in which the woman is dominated into having sex as often as the man wants without the slightest interest given to the woman's satisfaction or predicament.  That is the crux on which domestic abuse is nailed, in whatever form.  Mind games and physical violence are the two most often employed.  And, that leads to all of the other miserable conditions in which we live.
None of the above is as good or as simple and straightforward as loving coitus while looking into the eyes of your lover, though that still remains to be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.  (that's an eye-roll you detect)
One thing seems clear.  Even once loving coitus becomes an accepted practice.  Matched sexual drives for a couple seem certain to still be an important criteria.  But, low sexual drive may be a result of the absence of loving coitus, even for the man.  I am sure it is a factor to some extent.  It is certainly the source of the obsessions about sex.  I have yet to find a good way to explain that last sentence but it is true.  The absence of loving coitus leads to all of the bizarre ways in which we go about sex, especially men.
It can get better than it is.  A lot better.  The more sensitive one is, the more one senses what is missing.  The less sensitive just get agitated.  
As the human race continues to evolve, the sensitivities are heightening, the awareness is becoming clearer.  
It is sad that the sensitivity is beaten out of so many while they are young.  The rest are pummeled when puberty hits like a mountain.  The blow has been devastating to the human race.
    As good as it gets, which is humanity fulfilling its sentient promise, can only happen once unassisted loving coitus is the measure of a man and all men measure up.
To be blunt, until then, men remain no better than our animal predecessors and we remain a chaotic race that has not fulfilled its sentient state.

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