Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"That old familiar feeling"

I was kinda on a roll there, for awhile.  Too bad no one was listening.  Is anyone listening now? 

That old familiar feeling

Time does tell a tale or two of bright and lucid dreams

Of whispers rising on the wind of shining, bright sunbeams

But, habits from a distant past arrive upon the scene

A ragged scalpel cuts across the vision in between

A feeling never spoken, just a sense from life before

Habits never broken, still conditioning decor

To break the habit's wild embrace

All of life, one must retrace

Right back into the womb

Unspoken from the early years

Conditioned sense of silent tears

All life it will entomb

Destructive force, unwitting in its treason

Conditioning before one spoke with reason

The quirks that we all show upon the stage

Untrammeled by all thoughts of pain and rage

The answers lie in heaps among the past

Perception is the first attempt to cast

Transcending rote, the step that will surpass

And cancel frozen actions that amass

That old familiar feeling's often bane

It brings the haunt and, then, it brings the rain

This is as true of the race as the individual.  One generation as well as a thousand.

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