Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Ouuuu!  Just thought of another aphorism that works.  It still probably needs some work but it isn't too bad.

Once men become masters of their bodies, it will end their delusional desire to be masters of women.

It is a twist on something I've been saying for a while, which is that men becoming masters of their own bodies is a much more rational goal than the claim of being masters of the universe, which is the very common but very infantile belief that the prehuman condition of men has created and emphasized over the millennia.  It is, of course, all a facade to cover their inferiority complex.

This aphorism is also much more to the point.  It is the source of the delusional desire to be master of women that causes all of the trouble.  It is the delusional desire to be master of women that explains what is really going on.  The absence of loving coitus explains why.  The phrase "men take, women give, and it all starts in bed" explains it as best as I have been able.  It is that delusional desire that causes the unequal and inequitable situation for women.  The source of this aberrational state of our sentience is the same as the source of all of the perversions and obsessions regarding sex, from pedophiles to the sex trade to S&M to the desire to dominate women and be their masters.

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