Wednesday, September 4, 2024

" Thoughts"


So sad, they speak coincidence

So dulled by life’s experience

So conquered by man’s great façade

So numbed to Nature’s simple nod

There’s more to life than chug and shake

It is a dance, make no mistake

To drudge through life from stem to stern

With nothing left and nothing learned

So, to my heart, I now commit

To find the time and so, to wit

Not hasten to the vain and glory

But, find my own true life and story

Up from depths of furthest past

Upon my future life, I cast

It is no gamble, though may seem

To ride upon bold time’s own stream

For this is what it’s all about

It is but life’s most bold redoubt

To know, so deep, that I am one

With all of time, within I’ve won

To hold the love and find the peace

This battled soul will never cease

To understand this peace I glimpse

My wearied soul, along it limps

It is the peace of soul, I say

'Tis not the peace of one bright day

For battles will be fought and lost

For peace of soul, there is a cost

So, ’til this war is lastly won

I glory now, beneath the sun

I know it’s hard to understand

It often seems like shifting sand

And, when I reach the age of dust

Will I still hold this final trust?


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