Friday, September 20, 2024


 I just thought of the perfect example of conditioning to make a subject become taboo. 

 The thought of coitus and sex, in general, has been taboo for so long.  Yes, we've begun to break through that taboo but we are still utterly confused by the subject.  Humanity has taken extreme positions due to the sensitivity of the subject and the blindspot that we still avoid at all costs.  

The conditioning by pedophiles to convince the children they abuse that they should not talk about their abuse is a direct descendant of the conditioning to avoid the subject of sex and coitus in particular.  The sense forced on those children that, if they utter a word on the subject, they will be persecuted, reviled.

Think about this, also.  We have just begun to unravel that mess.  For three millennia, we didn't open our mouths on the subject (I should probably research this claim further; I'm not really sure how far back in time we realized there were even pedophiles, though rape and the rest of the unwholesome approaches to sex seem to have been known for a long time; reviled while being done incessantly).  

Women have been especially trained to just keep it to themselves.  Yes, my rage raises its head, once again.  But, the rage is almost completely under my control, finally.  It is becoming more like a simmering outrage flavoured with a growing vast knowledge of the real situation.  I feel like I'm just trying to find the door that will open.

As I view humanity's current turmoil, I have to shake my head in wonder at the depth of delusions and depravity that some men can muster in efforts to remain oblivious of it all.

Can no one see the interconnectedness of all of this?  Am I just whistling Vivaldi?

Did I describe it well enough?  Will it help people break through the barriers to begin to sense the true, clear-eyed sentience?  

I just received a comment that I did not understand.  I guess that's progress.  There was a referral for some guy that was talking about covid and stuff.  I really didn't get it, other than a point about how ... nope, didn't get it.  It seemed way off subject.

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