Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Nothing else matters

  It just doesn't matter what we do until we become human.  We will never solve any of our significant problems that continue to pile up until we can take a rational, emotionally stable view on life.  Emotions are all over the map.  They need not be that way.  We don't need to become robots, either.

Stable emotions, joy, and passion is a human, sentient perspective. Misery and a  cockeyed view of the universe is an animal's sentient view.  We remain in the latter state.  

We are not there yet.  We are not human, other than the potential that we contain.  We must perceive and fulfill a sentient reality, not continue to follow the witless animal's reality while knowing damn well it no longer suits our heightened senses.

"Perception is reality' is the perfect cover for so many heinous acts.  I know I covered that in the books and I believe I covered it in one of the extant posts.

To summarize.  A sentient reality cannot be manipulated as one pleases.  Only a mad animal would do so; a mad animal that has the brains to think but doesn't; has the heightened consciousness and awareness to know better but blocks it out.  It has all been shunted into oblivion.  How delusioned must a person be to think it can force its perceptions on reality.  Not disillusioned but delusioned.  What could cause such levels of delusions?  What failure could drive a man that mad?  For millennia?  

The manipulation of the masses that is seen on full display today is just such madness.  It causes a lot of pain and leads nowhere.  It displays our insanity and the self-destructive tendencies of the male gender all too well.

That's pretty strong but I can't see any other way.  We keep bickering over the same stupid stuff with no end in sight, other than becoming human.  It is all up to men to make it so.  I have hit another level of confidence that men can control their own bodies.  I have proved it to an even greater extent.  At my advanced age.  In this case, the advanced age is a good thing.  It just interconnects a few more pathways.  

Whenever the tide is turned and men quit fearing incompetence and realize they are masters - of themselves, we all win.  We will look back on it in a state of shock.  How could it have taken us three millennia for men to realize that they can love, when it is so easy.  Like many of the greatest things in life this is as simple as looking at a bur and seeing an attachment device called velcro or taking a can opener and turning it upside down.  It's all just amazingly simple, once we get the delusions out of the way.

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