Monday, September 9, 2024

" The life and times"

 The life and times

Through It all, time ebbs and flows

And, with it all, our life, it goes

But, what, if not a passing fact

Our life went on, in full, in tact

The children always know so much

But, time, Oh Time! They never touch

As gentle as a summer breeze

Time passes by, among the trees

A leaf, it falls and settles down

It then cascades, an autumn mound

So time now ticks with every sound

Another leaf, another round

The hearse is rolling toward the town

Our gaze is fixed as though it’s found

The end of all, clear, sharp, and final

Breaks the nerve and snaps the spinal

But, who can see beyond the veil

What sight would see, if walls we scale

The heart, the heart, can only know

What lies beyond the endless flow

Of time and death, we cringe and quake

Approaching our relentless wake

The life is lost, pursuit's pure folly

The heart, the heart must guide the trolley

Only hills that hide the trail

Beyond the hills, goes on the rail

No magic world need be defined

Our hearts, our hearts become refined

So shake the terror from the soul

For time is one and we are whole

As time does fade into facade

Life's no joke, give time no nod

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