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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lessons learned

All of the lessons we have learned have been handed down generation after generation.  Very similar to the evolutionary process.  Each generation tweaks the insanity a little and passes it on to the next generation.  The lessons are influenced by the pushback of the next generation (infuriated by the awful conditions they have inherited while they still attempt to seek clarity), causing the previous generation to create even more gobbledy-gook to justify the insane condition in which they have existed.  Who can admit that they have lived within an existence that is utterly confused and unclear?  Many justify their existence their whole life long until they are a bitter wreck.   Most settle for less.

We have learned a lot of wrong lessons.  

We keep convincing ourselves that we are not suited to a sentient existence.  In rare instances, we attempt to become human.

Seldom is there any real progress.  It has been the blind leading the blind because the truth is so extremely difficult to perceive amidst the calamity and clamour of the animal's take on a sentient existence.  The clamour makes it nearly impossible to hear the song of humanity calling.  The calamity is increasing all of the time as our sentient awareness becomes more insistent to be heard.  Sentience seeks clarity.

Anyways, I realize now that part of the answer to the third puzzle lies in this drilling that all of us go through as we emerge into life surrounded by others that are dressed up like they know what is going on, as if they were human, but only add to the confusion.

I'm pretty certain, now, that there will be no next book.

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