Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Sorry.  This is rather old.  And, it made more sense a few days ago...  Funny.  The .last line, like after the poem still makes sense.  Avalanche is is much better today.   

The numinous

As the numinous began to stir

I raised  my eyes to sight of Her

And heart began to rise

In sensing of Her precious love

From up above to thoughts thereof

She graced my loving Skies

To guide me on from dusk to dawn

To lay the song upon the lawn

And watch as weeping dries

No slightest doubt, no  shorter route

With heart devout and feelings stout

I listen to the drum

I'll follow it for all my days

Through wickets wired to feel the craze

Upon our hearts, I strum

Ah, it's good to feel release

The loving arms will never cease

As empty as may be

To fill the arms, the final goal

The honest heart with loving role

A goal that keeps me free

To love You 'cross so many lives

Sends me, long, on deepest dives

With hearts in apogee

Defining life is still to come

The loving wrapped around the drum

The loving hearts set free

You are my intention

With life in abstention

I'll love you through all of the night

Until I can love you all right

You are my muse and so much more than that across all lives. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 After a reread and some minor edits, this is all working out better than I could possibly imagine.  These latest posts, written in my utter frustration and desperation, are better than anything I've written before.

I think I have another book on my hands.  I'll probably even try to get it published through channels for a change.

I would still like to hear someone say that they agree that these ring a bell.

Some of the edits were because I had left some pre-change-of-direction paragraphs in there.  Delete, delete, delete.  I'll put a √ mark at the top if I have reread and edited.  Some is significant to some extent.  At least, to me.

Posts and more posts

 All of the previous posts in the last couple of hours, or whatever, I pulled from the scheduled posts that I had already written.  I also left a lot for the future.  Through 2091, in fact.  It just kind of amuses me, I guess.  There is a nice smattering of prose and poetry.  I hope you enjoy.



There is another point that struck me, though I think I already covered it well enough in the excerpt from Millennium.

I was talking online with a woman once and she mentioned that she had never been with a man that was good enough at coitus to make it worth her while.  When I mentioned that's the common case, she said that could not be true because her cousin (maybe it was sister) was married and had a baby.

Do I need to explain further?  Her feeling that loving coitus equated with having a baby is so eloquent at describing the confounded aspect on our views on sex.  The fictions prevail due to all of the stories we read.  I explained to her how confused that thought was (I was already becoming too blunt and intolerant of the stupour; my fault, I'm sure).  I think that was close to the last conversation we had.  The next one might have been when she responded, "F off" and, then, "Get a life".  I became exasperated and responded that I was trying to make it so that all of humanity could get a life.  She was right, though.  I never really did have a life for myself.  Another reason I am more than willing to make the radical changes I am about to do ... I think.

I had to delete about ten paragraphs because they no longer apply.


Hmmm.  This one's tricky.  I think it's worth posting, since it explains a lot. 

 I figured out the problem.  Why I am stuck with nowhere to go.

To my utter surprise, there are three puzzles that I needed to resolve, not one or two.

The first puzzle was: what is wrong with humanity?  It was such an eye-opener that it had taken me fifty year to even uncover it.  As I look back on the times before I realized what was wrong, I am convinced that everyone is aware of the issue at some level.  It is clear enough that everyone is repelled by its mention.  Immediately.  One can sense it and the animal's stupid warning bells clamour.

Then, there is the second puzzle, of course.  How to resolve the issue.  As I have stated before that has been the most frustrating aspect.  It took an old man to open up about the issue.  It will take a young man to thoroughly prove the issue can be overcome completely.  I could only set the stage.  Since cryptic will not do in this case, let me be clearer.  I studied and learned the simple mechanics of the operation of ejaculation.  For an animal, it is too much to learn.  For a human, it is simplicity itself to overcome.

I felt really good about the insights regarding shame, guilt, and self-respect.  It's an important insight but that focused pursuit that I have chased for all of these last fifteen years caused me to ignore the third puzzle.  As I went deeper and deeper into my understanding of the first two puzzles, I ignored the puzzle that was staring me in the face.  People have always hated change.  The reason is because of the first two puzzles, of course.  I actually get into that in some of the books.  Prehumans hate change.  Humans will relish it.  I have always relished the truth.  Change was of no importance.  It is why I could break through.

So, here I sit, the first puzzle done, the second puzzle resolved for myself but cannot be answered decisively in this lifetime in the only way that counts: love a woman all life long like she has never been loved before.  The third puzzle will require a whole lifetime to overcome  the inertia and it will take even more effort and a completely different kind of effort than that spent, so far, this lifetime.  All of the skills it took to resolve the first two puzzles don't apply at all.  I observed, studied, and puzzled over all of the inconsistencies the mount up to prehumanity.  The next step will require some level of engagement.   It will require engagement just as thorough as the observations.  Interaction and engagement are the polar opposite of observation.  Of course, there is a great deal more that can and must be explored regarding the second puzzle, as well, but I already have provided a very good handle on that.  That's about all I am likely to provide in this lifetime.  Sad that.

The incredible irony of it all continues to blow my mind.  Ten to fifteen years ago, I could have died easily.  My heart was thready.  I had a bout of cancer.  I was in really bad shape.  My musculoskeletal structure had been steadily improving but was still no great shakes.  To top it off, I had a big toe that essentially began to freeze up fifteen years ago, making it extremely difficult to walk.  This, for a man that loved to walk and, more than that, was finally in a position to spend a lot of time walking.  It didn't stop me from walking.  It just took all the joy out of it and replaced it with pain.  I've said it before, my karmic debt must have been something else.  Maybe I've paid in full.  Maybe even have some credit.

 I countered the effects of aging that end or cripple so many lives all too soon.  I realize that could change on a dime.  That's one of the reasons I attempted to make a huge change to my life.  The musculoskeletal problems are gone, though it takes a decent amount of effort to keep them gone.  Cancer was gone long ago.  Again, it takes some effort to keep it gone.  The heart is in superb shape.  Sigh. 

I have to say, the insights from this post's thought fest had a lot to do with turning things around.  No, it wasn't the biggest mover.  That would be ... well, let's say, the elegant solution of mine was just a bit too freaky at the very last moment.  Long story and, yet, it only covers a few seconds.




And Deleted.


It is considered a limitation forced on humans by Nature.  It is not.  Nature provided everything necessary for a sentient race to break the barrier behind which all animals exist.  When men succeed in overcoming the limitation, unassisted, we become human.

Aggession progression

 I have had a number of people react to my accusation that 'men have a problem'.  In my earliest work, I was probably a bit inaccurate in my phrasing.  It may have come out 'men are the problem'.

The worst part is that women are becoming more and more exposed (saturated) with the man's world.  It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish bad behaviour as stemming from the male gender.

Don't get me wrong.  It is still utterly clear if anyone looks closely enough.  All of the aggression and other bad behaviours stem from  the male dominance.  The male dominance ... well, do I really need to get into it all, again.  I feel like I've shown enough of the links in the chain to convince any sane person that men have a problem and, thus, cause humanity to have a problem.   Instead, what we have done for millennia is justify the behaviour.  The links all lead back to the human realization that coitus could be a lot better for humans.  We cannot avoid the conclusion because we are sentient.  What we haven't realized is that because we are sentient, that also means we can overcome the deficiency.  If no one finds a way to make that happen, the same malarkey that we tolerate today will be tolerated to the end of human life, which shouldn't take too long.  We won't last long enough to spread our ill off of this planet.

Maybe, if humanity is real lucky, some women will find some way to open their male children's eyes to the possibility that they can perform loving coitus.  Maybe those children, in turn, grow up and find a way to pass it on to other young males that are tired of putting on an act in order to convince some woman to love them (and, then, immediately drop the act, once they become partners with the woman).

The books

I had all of these scattered out over the next few years but...

 I was just rereading Millennium and skimming some of the others.  It was interesting in a number of ways.  As I say elsewhere, the books between Millennium and Ten are somewhat stream of consciousness and pretty damned angry.

I've been trying to figure why.  I really, really like Sentience, the first book and A Sentient Perspective.  I was just exploring the realization that had hit me at that point.  The insights were just pouring out of me.  That is why I like them so much.

Somewhere along the line, around the time of Millennium, I became full of angst.  Part of it was that no one seemed the slightest bit interested, which still boggles my mind as humanity is not a pretty sight at this point.  I know what happens, of course.  I had to know in order to delve as deeply as I did into what is wrong with humanity.  

Those that are relatively comfortable in life do a fairly good job of shutting themselves away from the horrors that are little different today from any time in the past.  So, to my lasting astonishment, they just don't get it.  They are lying to themselves more than most.

Those in the worse positions in life just don't have any time to spare with high-minded thoughts.  I can't say I blame them.

Altogether, this ongoing denial agitates me. 

 But, I realized today, as I was reading through it all, that it is more than that.  Right up until Ten, I was still fighting my own battles with the currently accepted and distorted view of reality.  That agitated me far more.  I can see it as I read through Millennium.  I would begin to get wound up as I tried to express myself against all of the concoctions of nonsense that we accept and were drilled into me throughout my life.  I had to contend with all of the wrong thinking that has been accepted without a second thought.  This is more and more true the older a person gets.  They get so bathed in it that there is no ability to see past it.

Somehow, that agitation began to subside just before Ten.  It was thoroughly out of my system by the time I wrote Human and Next Book.  I can't say what happened exactly.  Especially just after reading Millennium.  As far as I can piece it together, I finally broke through all of the prehuman paradigms.  I could express what was really going on without reflecting on the crazy concoctions of our past and try to take them into context in my writings.  I got myself into a mode that looked only at what is really going on.  I could perceive the sentient reality.  Not the craziness through which we currently interpret our existence.

Another factor, of course, was that my ability to write prose improved drastically.  

In some ways, this was not like any other writing in history.  The necessary determination to write precisely ...  Once again, I find myself at a loss for words to describe the situation.  That was another factor in all of this writing.  I was trying to describe the sentient reality of our situation and a sentient reality that doesn't really yet exist and, yet, I had to write precisely.  It sounds weird.  it was a weird experience.  It was no fun at all.  In the first few books, at the bottom of the aphorisms, I always added I would rather be writing poetry.  Funny thing about that.  The rhoetry was crucially necessary for clearing my mind enough to make the leap.  Then, the rhoetry, by necessity, had to dwindle.  I'd still like to hope it can come back but I don't know.  It would take something pretty incredible to make it happen, it seems.

It really was a terrible time.  While I knew I was right, that was far different from convincing myself that I was right.  I would write a book, swearing it would be my last, then, as soon as it was finished, I would be off writing another.  I was never satisfied.  That went on until Ten.  At that point, I knew I was right.  It was no longer just a gut feeling and intuitive knowledge.  I had it all laid out in my mind.  After that, I felt the pressure was off, to some degree.  I at least understood the subject matter entirely.  There was no more trying to convince myself or the audience.  It was just a matter of laying it out in as coherent a manner as I could.  That still took a few books.  I doubt I would ever get there completely.  Of course.  I am still amongst those that haven't a clue and all I can do it describe something that hasn't yet been attained.  Some future generation, if we ever get to our sentient state, will have to describe it definitively.

I hope some will take the time to try those two last books, Human and Next Book

I still get agitated or, I should say, I did, because no one is catching on.  But, like I said, I could only do so much.  That may be the primary reason that I decided to move on.  

This should be a very good test.  I said my prose had improved.  You can decide for yourself.  This has not been edited to any extent.  I have to admit, there is still the struggle that I have never had anyone with whom to discuss all of this.  I missed that.  A sympathetic contrast would still help incredibly.  In any other endeavor in my life, I truly appreciated knocking it around with a lot of folks.  This just hasn't yet been that type of subject.  Sigh.

Time's up

So far, we have accepted that there is no difference between the way in which all of the life that preceded us operates and a sentient, highly intelligent race's way of life.  We have accepted that it's still a game of kill or be killed, survival of the fittest, blah, blah, blah.  That is the stupour at its finest.  We have only been looking in the rearview mirror.

The failure of men to succeed at loving coitus is the primary source of the debilitating, dysfunctional, dystopian state in which we remain.  It causes the unwillingness of men to face a sentient reality.  It forces the stupour of the animal to remain.  It is dragging the very long chain of animal failure along while it is no longer necessary.  It is natural for a sentient race to attain loving coitus and become a loving, balanced, emotionally stable, highly intelligent, sentient, human race. 

A sentient reality demands men learn loving coitus.  Just accepting that there must be a way to succeed at unassisted loving coitus is a big step along the way.  Being content with two or three minutes is witless surrender to the animal.  Just accepting that lie dumbs us down to the level of an animal.

As long as men need to buy a pill to be good at coitus, the stupour is fortified, maybe even intensified.  Those that have the money will consider themselves superiour because they can pay to be good at coitus.  It does not engender love.  It just engenders further distortions to the sentient state.  It continues the delusional and dysfunctional state that money makes the man.  It confirms the animal's antics.

Love makes a man.  The love I suggest, the love of oneself, cannot fulfill humanity until the whole of the male gender accepts that it can be more than an animal by learning to love, that it remains only an animal until it is so.  It's about the human race, not a few individuals.  Don't get your back up, if you are of an alternate sexual orientation.  That is not what this is about.  It will continue in a more stable form, just like everything else.

How can a man confirm his sentience without fulfilling his sentience?  It is fulfilled when the male gender learns what it takes for a sentient male to succeed at unassisted loving coitus.  Even if he has other ideas in mind.  It's a matter of the race's consciousness being aware of what it is capable of.  It is a gap between the animal state and reality and a human state and reality.

If the male gender would open up about the problem and begin to address it, rather than declaring three minutes good enough and the best that should be expected, it can be resolved in short order.  I have already provided the groundwork.

That does not mean that coitus will be more prevalent once we learn to make loving coitus.  Whether it becomes more prevalent will depend on many factors.  There are a plethora of reasons to use one of many alternates.  It just means that men will know how to love and women will know that they can be loved by men.  We will finally have confidence and self-respect for ourselves instead of putting on a show of confidence that has no reality.  Men will be able to love and respect themselves.  That must come first.  Men currently exist under false pretenses.  Becoming humbled does not suit the human race.  Succeeding does.

I could not prove loving coitus any further in this life.  I will damn well prove it thoroughly in the next, if granted the chance.  I've done as well as I could in this lifetime at an age that was way too advanced to prove it further.  

It has been the long and painful task of lifting an animal-induced fog from the vista of our sentience.  Animal instincts of failure can be overcome.  Sentient instincts can flourish.

I must stress, once again, it is not utopia that I suggest.  It is the end to the dystopia caused by all of the lies, angst, paranoia, and utter madness that occur due to the instability of a male gender that can think but, instead, accepts an animal's limitations.  

There is no change in my views regarding the non-violent alternatives to loving coitus.  They seem certain to always have their place.  The difference is that they will be performed for rational reasons rather than being perceived as a grubby substitute required by the lack of loving coitus in an attempt to fill the void left by the absence of the sentient physical act of love.  If they are performed for other reasons (and there are plenty), all is well.

The worst characteristic that still makes me rage unabated is the subjugation of women through so many various manipulative practices, from mind games to domestic violence.  Not to mention the byproduct of destroying and wreaking havoc on everything in our purview.  That will not go away until we wake up and embrace our humanity through the availability of loving coitus for anyone.

Could I have done more?  I can't imagine what more I could have done and retained any shred of my humanity.  Especially with the unwillingness of anyone to discuss the subject, someone that was, at least, sympathetic to what I suggest.. 

Nature/Gaia/Life gave us everything required to become human.  It gave us what is necessary to reveal our humanity, make the transition, and fulfill our role as a sentient race.  That is far more stunning than you can currently imagine. 

It is truly incredible.  As more and more becomes apparent, it staggers me further.  We can be human.  I hope to goodness that we do so.

The Trajectory Of Life is extended by our sentient state.  It will be redirected into a sentient vector by our acceptance of that sentient state.  Sentience itself is an evolutionary factor that can move us forward.

The human race has been living the animal's lie since the day it began to exist on Earth as a sentient race.  It has accepted the animal's failure as its own.  There is no bigger mistake.  There is no bigger irony.  All prehumanity has done since is compound the lies, confusion, and nonsensical paradigms because it has not faced the truth.  The reaction to the lie regarding coitus has been to create more lies.  It's like a mania.  It's as if we are punishing ourselves.

It's all there right in front of us.  Every relationship is a calling card for what is missing.  Every fiction we consume batters our sentient reality.  We are not human yet.

Anyways, not my problem any longer in this lifetime.  Desiderata.

I've just been going through the books what I have left as published.  Of them all, there are only two I recommend.  Human and Next Book.  I am still very fond of SentienceA Sentient Perspective.  I consider them good work but they are out of date, limited in scope, and not as clear as the last two.  The rest?  I'm going to leave them published.  They might be worth perusal for someone, some time.  But, wow, pretty close to stream of consciousness with a dash of angst as I continued to try to wring out every aspect of our dystopian situation in order to comprehend and correct it.  Especially between Book 6 and Ten.  Too bad it is going to take, at least, another lifetime to try, once again, to make the greatest, most important change in the history of life on Earth, thought it looks like I'll be around a bit longer than I expected.  

The Garden Of Eden revsited

All of these were written before I wrote off trying to convince anyone any longer in this life.  So, I hate to have it go to waste...  I don't think I rant too much...

 First of all, let's be clear.  The Garden Of Eden is a MYTH.  It is a fictional story written to teach a lesson.  Unlike Pandora's Box, which is also a myth, The Garden Of Eden had an ugly agenda.  Pandora's Box tried to explain why humanity was screwed up.  With no success, I might add.

The Garden Of Eden was written to give power to men over women and blame women and our sentient state for all of our troubles.  It was written soon after Pandora's Box and was meant to counter (distort is truly a better word) the truth that Pandora's Box so obliquely referenced.

I guess I should go through Pandora's Box one more time.  Pandora's Box tries to explain the predicament that humanity faced (still does).  But, humanity was not ready to face it.  Sentience (the gift box from the god's) when opened release chaos (the realization that coitus was not all it should be for a human, sentient race).  The point is all about the hope left in the box.  If mankind had the sense at the time to accept the truth and struggled to figure out how to make coitus equally pleasing and, thereby, equitable without freaking out, all would have proceeded nicely.  It was a critical insight.  Humanity wasn't ready for it and most, which is no different than today, couldn't even understand it.

The Garden Of Eden was a riposte.  Instead of looking forward with a will and hope, it destroyed any chance of humanity attaining what is still critically required: an answer to how to make coitus a loving event.

The Garden Of Eden starts with women being, by the act of a fictional god, subservient to men.  After all, the woman, according to this cruel myth, was just god giving the man something to play with by breaking off a rib (check it sometime, men are not missing a rib, by the way) to make a plaything for him.

Three thousand years ago, we were set on the course of all-out war of the sexes in the West.

Then, just to make sure the lesson was learned by women, they were blamed for all of the havoc.  A snake, for goodness sake (it still makes me laugh at the irony of that choice), had tempted woman into gaining knowledge (sentience, again) by biting into an apple!  Knowledge was a curse!  Sentience was a curse! Where does that leave us?

Right there, in a single stroke, the story condemns both women and sentient awareness.  The awareness that made it crystal clear that humanity should fix what is inequitable about coitus for the sake of the race.  Men were not to blame for not being able to make coitus better (can you hear them whine? by the way, it can be made to be a loving event and that is what I've tried to explain for fifteen years).  Women were to blame for noticing that men got all of the benefit from the transaction, while women got the extremely difficult result of birthing a child and no more.

If you want to be really blunt about it, men were reduced to a lazy caricature by this fictional story.

'Nuff said.


Well, I guess I'm done bitching and moaning and whining and pining.  I roll my eyes.  Some more may pop up over the next few months but I'll try to filter them out.

I had a wake up call today.  Don't get me wrong, if I could have found an elegant way to gracefully exit, I would have probably been long gone.  But, I've had a reversal that might actually go the distance.  

It's hard to explain.  I hit the wall and bounced.  Maybe as time progresses, I'll be able to explain it more but I think I'm done explaining.  I hope I'm done explaining, since it doesn't seem to make a bit of difference.

The biggest thing is that I'm anxious to get a move on.  We have been dumbed down for so long by accepting what a sentient race should not.  It seems like we are shedding what little sophistication, as a race, that we had scraped together.  Like we are getting closer to the animal or putting more distance between us and our humanity but, then again, it all goes in cycles and we are at the bottom of the pit, right now.

Then, there's the fact that it sure seems we are approaching the precipice as our weapons get more and more devastating.  Maybe that is leveling off, also, though we already are equipped with enough to send us all back to the dark ages.  But, I don't want to go gloom and doom too much.  I usually keep all of that to myself - unless it verges on the topic of our sentience.

Anyways, I may not have much more to write here on anything.  The rhoetry is pretty dried up, except for my yearly outburst.  Even that is awfully muffled this year.  Two rhoems for the occasion??!?!

And, prose, I am so tired of wracking my brain.  I'm going to go out and do something far, far from where I am right now, literally and, maybe, metaphorically.  I pretty much have a plan in mind.  It had been bubbling in the back of my mind for ages but the pieces all seemed to fall in place today.  Well, most of the pieces.  Enough to get me the hell outta here (literally, not metaphorically).  Maybe I can even use Une Autre Vie to change directions a bit.  Have some fun.  Keep the serious stuff over on A Sentient Perspective.  I would expect that ASP will be pretty silent, except I might move a few pieces from here over to there.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Chronology Of The Human Race

The Chronology Of The Human Race

A. We started to walk on two legs.
B. We learned to communicate in a much more sophisticated manner than any life form before.  
    1.  We did not particularly elucidate or articulate reality.
    2.  Instead, we made stuff up to cover our lack of knowledge.
    3.  Awareness we had.  Knowledge was in the distant future.
C. We realized that coitus was an inequitable proposition.
    1. It seems this came first, by a few tens of thousand of years.
    2.  It only became significant with sentient awareness.
        a. We looked each other in the eye during coitus.
        b. We could have sex all of the time.
        c.  It was an unnecessary inequitable proposition.
            1)Women were not sharing equally in the pleasure.
           2) And we knew it.
           3) It baffled us so badly that we hid from it. 
            4) It was up to men to make it equitable.
D.  We communicated on an order never before available.
    1.  We avoided the subject of sex.
        a.  It bothered us and we didn't want to consider it at all.
        b.  We certainly didn't want to talk about it.
        c.  We had not a clue what to do about it.
    2.  Our sentient awareness of reality became derailed.
    3. Can you see how that leads us right down to today?
E.  Because of D.1., we were at a loss. 
    1.  It made life seem hopeless.
    2.  We didn't want to talk about it.
        a. Especially men.
    3.  Some just couldn't keep their mouths shut.
        a.  Explanations were required. 
            A)  Pandora's Box was written in the west
                1) Hope remained in the box 
                    a) For some, vague, future date.
                    b) That was not good enough, so
            B)  The Garden Of Eden followed to emphasize the point.
                1) It did not resolved the outstanding question.
                      a) That was not its intent.
               2)  It began the blame game.
                        3) It blamed women and cursed sentience.
        4. "Save Face" was adopted in the East 
            a. Intent was similar 
                A) Cope with the gaping hole in sentient reality.
                B)  Survival, not success    
            b.  From here on, I will concentrate on the West.
                A)  Religion was manipulated
                B)  It declared that sex was just for making babies.
                C)  Correlation of sex to love was destroyed.
                D)  Women were relieved of unnecessary sex.
                E)  That did not work well for men.
                F)  The war of the sexes was initiated.
        5. We accepted the animal's version of sex.
            a. We never looked back.
            b. And, yet, we couldn't commit to it.
                1) Our sentience continued to intervene.
                2)  Our sentient potential was shredded.
                3) Loving coitus remained absent
                4) Countless forms of predations on women continued.
            c. The stupour of the animal continued unchecked.
                1) It blocked the obvious lack our sentience revealed.
                    A) Like the River Lethe
                    B) Our sentient intellect was left without guidance.
                        1) It withered as it was suppressed.
                        2) The heart was never educated.
                        3) Men continued to become more toxic.
                    C) Hope remained in the box, forgotten.
            d. Coitus was required in order to stay extant as a race.
                1) It was not enough for a sentient race.
                    A) It blunted our sentient awareness.
                        a) Sentient reality was never fulfilled.
            e) The animal's act of coitus was not enough.
                    1; Our sentient awareness requires more.
                    2; We remain demented.
    5.  We became convinced that sentience was a disaster.
        a.  We shrugged our shoulders and cursed sentience.
                    1. We moved on.
                    2. We rained down destruction in our witless state.
        b.  We became convinced
                    1. We were nothing more than animals 
                    2.  We became convinced we had too much brains.
        c.  We wreak havoc on all within our purview.
        d.  It continued to drive us mad.
F.  Fast forward to the last few centuries.
    1.  Samuel Richardson, in 1740.
        a. He began the process of revelation.
        b. He wrote idealistically.
        c.  He wrote the first modern romance novel.
        d.  "Happily ever after" became the rage.
            1) It fooled a lot of humanity for a long time.
    2.  Next was Freud.
        a, He delved into why sex drives us crazy. 
        b. That really began to reveal the true situation.
    3.  Communication became more sophisticated.
        a.Women became fed up and could compare.
        b.  Abused, misused, subjugated, and ignored for too long.
        c. 1903 the suffragette movement began.
        d. "Happily ever after" had grated women for a long time.
        e. The realization began.
        f. They were treated as chattel began.
            1) The feminist movement began.
    4.  The next step was"Free Love".
        a. Another attempt to avoid facing reality.
        b. It became clear, in less than a generation.
            1)"Free Love" was nothing more than "Free Sex".
               a) Note coitus was equated with sex at the time.
        c. Very satisfying for men.
        d. Not so much for women.
  5. Coitus became exposed for its lack (in its animal form).
        a. No consideration that coitus could assume a human form.
           1) Remember the hope left in Pandora's Box?
G.  The issue was blown open.
   1. It can never to be put back in its cage of stupour.
   2. The issue is now clear
     a. Yet, still, we procrastinate.
     b. Still we dodge facing the subject openly
     c. We continue to rely on nonsensical paradigms.
   3.  "Sexual orientation" became the rage in response.
        a.  It boldly declared the couple should share the pleasure
        b. However it was done.
        c. Rage is the correct word.
           1) Heterosexuals hated the exposure
           2) The fact was animal coitus was pitiful, at best.
H.  I came along and explained things in a rational manner.   
    1. Men can be good at coitus
        a. We just need use the sentience we have cursed for ages.
        b. Remember the hope in Pandora's Box?
            1) Coitus can become a preferred form of sex.
            2)  We can control our bodies.
               a) That reinforces the love between a couple.
                  1} Rather than digging its grave.
    3. Loving can become the preferred and only form of coitus.
    4. Humanity can finally put its head on straight.
    5. Humanity can display sentient characteristics
        a. We can finally accept our sentient state.
            1) Emotionally balanced
            2) Intelligent, as a common expectation
            3) Rational
            4) Loving
            5) Stable
            6) Sentient
            7) Human

The following is not really significant to the timeline.  I just love it.

    X. "The Princess Bride" by Morgenstern was written.

        a.  The novel (not the movie) delved into "Happily ever after" in a biting manner.

        b.  It exposed the truth that is the vast majority of relationships.

            1.  Men will say or do anything to get laid.

                a.  Marriage was always meant to assure the man sex, no matter how bad it was.

                    1)  It seldom worked that way.

                        a) Unless the man dominates the woman or the sexual drive is minimal.

                            1; Also known as domestic violence, in one form or another.

                        b) The man realizes he is not up to snuff, sooner or later.

                        3) The man becomes morose, withdrawn.

                    2)  The man's failure to make it suitable to both most often ended in 

                        a) less sex. 

                        b) a miserable marriage.

                        c) war between the sexes at the scale of a couple's relationship.

                    3)  Humanity remained crazy.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Being human

√ ... I like this one a lot, though it may need further updates as I process this perspective.  This seems a little closer to the mark but I don't think I'm done yet.  Thanks for spurring me on, once again.

Shame, guilt, and self-respect 

This is another way to discuss the internal and external forces that make us act as we do. I've talked about it as such for a long time.  I finally have a name for the internal forces.  Self-respect, shame, and guilt.  

The external forces have names like peer or cultural pressure, religion, laws.  The external forces attempt to try to drive individuals in a certain direction by playing on internal forces guilt and shame.  It is not always purposeful, as with some (many?) corporate cultures that influence people towards sociopathy.  Unfortunately, the forces that play to the animal have been reinforced by those that only see the animal, like economics.  They proclaim what they see, an animal, never even considering why the animal traits remain in force.  

External forces are never entirely successful at overcoming internal forces.  The external forces to instill good behaviour are currently confronted with internal forces of shame and guilt.  The self-respect that needs no external forces to support it has remained in shambles.  Sociopathy has been very successful, because of the current state of shame and guilt of the prehuman.  Since the beginning, those feelings of shame and guilt have been disguised behind masks of pompousness and bombast.  Of late, it has been known as toxic masculinity.  What I have written in all of the books is why those forces of shame and guilt have remained and why the human state of self-respect has remained unattained.

Internal forces have never really been considered before, except as a fulcrum to be used by external forces.  The external forces to induce good behaviour have played on the shame and guilt.  It is almost as if the female gender sensed what was going on with men long, long ago.  For obvious reasons that can only work to the slightest extent.  

The internal force that counts is self-respect.  It remains absent in men for the reason I have discussed endlessly.  The internal forces all come down to whether the individual's self-respect remains completely in tact.  Shame and guilt prey and weaken one's self-respect.  Self-respect is the only internal force that has no need to be prodded in the direction of doing the right thing and cannot be persuaded or convinced to do the wrong thing.

Women's self-respect has no naturally occurring internal weaknesses.  There is nothing in a woman to create weakness in her view of self.  Men, on the other hand, are assaulted from inside due to a single feeling of weakness.  From the time men reach puberty, their inability to make coitus a loving act begins to haunt them.  It has haunted men since the time we first woke to our sentient consciousness that includes an incredibly enhanced awareness of existence.  That awareness quickly perceived the inequitable situation of coitus in its animal form.  That can be dated, without doubt, to have occurred three thousand years ago.  We are not just animals.  As we became aware of the situation, men's evolving self-respect became assaulted by shame and guilt.

Women keep their self-respect in tact unless it is battered by outside forces which are applied by men.  Men never fully attain their self-respect due to the internal forces of shame and guilt as they realize that they are not providing equitably for women when it comes to loving coitus.  As if our sentient consciousness was not enough, the eye to eye nature of human coitus reinforces the shame and feelings of guilt.  That is when and where our sentient state becomes compromised.

External forces are used by women to try to prop men up, belay their feelings of shame.  Men use external forces to try to bring women low because of men's internally generated shame due to their inability to love a woman wholly in the eye to eye proposition that Nature provided.  Nothing less than success at loving coitus has a chance to end the circuitous nonsense.

Women have bent over backwards since the beginning in an attempt to make men feel alright about it.  Men have done everything in their power to obfuscate the situation through distraction.  "Look over there.  Not over here."  This has confounded our sentient existence since the beginning.

The core problem is that men could never face up to the gap in human life caused by rutting coitus.  It is not a sentient endeavor.  That is so clear that we created a stupour to hide it away.  It has always needed to be superseded by loving coitus.  This is why they have so forcefully taken the reins of society.  The situation has never improved due to men and they know it.  They have just never been able to face it.  That and only that generates the chaos that has bent the back of the human condition to the point of breaking.

It was stupoured of humanity to do so, but that should be expected when sophisticated communication in the form of words and heightened thought and awareness developed long before the knowledge necessary to even comprehend the situation clearly and cogently.  The awareness of the situation did not coincide with the eloquence and capable articulation necessary to assess the situation dispassionately.  Instead, it was buried deeply in the subconscious.  The lack of knowledge also prevented men from realizing that they can overcome the simple animal instincts that cause them to fall short of the target.  The blinded mindset instilled long ago has prevented men from ever considering that this can change, that loving coitus can easily supersede rutting coitus.  Instead, they become increasingly convinced that there was nothing to be done.  Even in the face of evidence to the contrary, they have persisted in assuming failure is their lot in life.  

Men have never seriously considered that our sentient nature, our intellect and ability to think can overcome the inhibitions of the past and the animal instincts.  They can.  Easily.  The initial effort will be tremendous but the results crucially necessary.  Men can become master of their bodies.  Success at loving coitus can become as natural as the failure to do so is for an animal.

I have said often that 99% of men fall short of the real target of human, loving coitus.  The target that has been adopted by men, in their shame, is to suggest that a two or three minutes timespan is to be expected.  This is supposed to make men feel better.  It does not.  The target has nothing to do with time.  It has to do with loving a woman.  Until men learn to love unassisted, they will continue to be burdened with shame.  So far, that shame and guilt have remained hidden in the shadows.  The shame and guilt has led men to the preposterous antics that they have continued to enact for millennia, becoming more and more preposterous as time progresses.  If you cannot look around and see the ludicrousness  and ineptness of our current situation, you should not be reading this.

The open acceptance of the situation, even as it is, would alleviate the shame and guilt to some extent.  It would, at least, allow us to comprehend our situation without blinders.  As long as men feel the shame but never identify it, they will fall back on the reactions and responses of an animal.  An animal has no self-respect.  It only knows survival.  It (the human equivalent) will scrape, lie, cheat, steal, kill, and distract when outside forces have had no effect to raise them above their lowest animal level.  This is the war of the sexes.  The shame and guilt must be eliminated in order for self-respect to transform the male gender into something wholly human.  Other than the failure of loving coitus, there is little that can weaken a human's self-respect.  Men must liberate themselves from the scourge.

Women have been attempting to use outside forces to alleviate men's suffering in shame and guilt, though I don't think many women perceive it as such.  It is perceived as just attempting to tame the men into something resembling human.  There is no doubt it has kept us from falling over the edge, but it is not enough.  Look around.  We are teetering on the edge of nuclear war.  All because men have something to hide.  

Men, meanwhile, have tried to drag women down to their level due to their inability to face their shame by creating distractions in the form of chaos (think Pandora's Box).  Men are slowly succeeding at dragging the whole race to a bitter end.

  If comments don't work, the email address is

Monday, August 19, 2024

Becoming human

  Something that has bothered me the whole time I've been working on this effort is the way that good performance at coitus for the man is promoted as making him a 'he-man' that can have any woman.  This is a stupoured animal's point of view.  It is prehuman.  

It is all about loving a woman the way she deserves.

The main reason it annoys me is it makes it seem as if the effort to learn to love a woman is a distasteful effort, which is part of the reason it has been so difficult for humanity to accept that men must learn to love a woman physically for humanity to gain its sanity.  This wrong-headedness makes it seem distasteful, thereby acting as the perfect excuse to avoid contemplating the fearful feeling that there is nothing to be done.  There is.  Men can learn to love.

Maybe the best take on it I ever came up with is that when every man knows how to love there are no Don Juans or Casanovas, just loving men.  Another way to say it is that when every man is a Don Juan or Casanova, there are no Don Juans or Casanovas.  That is the goal, really.  When all men learn to love, we become human.  Truly.  That's all it takes.  We quit treating the feminine gender as chattel, something to be won in some foolish game of no importance.  Just another trophy on the wall for the big man.

Maybe another way to say it is that when every man is a Don Juan or Casanova, women are not referred to as cows with milk.  Does my anger at the stupour begin to show?

And another.  Why would women shop around for loving coitus when it is assured with any man?  They will finally be able to shop around for a man (and the men will be able to do the same) with qualities that suit the woman.  It's difficult to determine what those qualities will be, at this time, other than personal preference or maybe personality preference.

I'm sorry, I know this still leaves you with the requirement to think in order to see the whole panorama but that is the true human condition that we have never achieved: everyone thinking for themselves.

One of my favorite sayings that I sensed long before I had this all figure out is that we will know we are human when no one desires to lead and no one desires to be led.

Relationships, today, are built on the man seeking a woman that is willing to accept the most paltry of sex and acts like it is fine.  What makes it so ludicrous is that the man engages the woman expecting her to desire the same lousy sexual engagement with enthusiasm for the rest of her life.  Like that ever works out as expected.  Do you see how this links to the dream of a Don Juan or Casanova?  Do you see how it is all a delusion?  Do you see how it leads both genders to stray?  Do you see how it leads to mania later in life?

Unfortunately, the only alternative today to that scam is to despise the whole setup.  No one has thought about the fact that, for a human, sentient race that can think, there is another way.  Loving coitus can exist.

I'm too annoyed after fifty years of shredding the foolish thoughts of a semi-sentient race that remains a foolish race.  It's time for it to end.  Full stop for me but not my writings...

It may surprise you that this is being posted in Une Autre Vie rather than A Sentient Perspective.  There are a few reasons which I'm not going to go into.  In the fullness of time, maybe you'll figure it out.  One is subtle, one is logical, one is whimsy.  None of it has anything to do with annoyance at my own predicament.

It may surprise you that this is being posted in Une Autre Vie rather than A Sentient Perspective.  There are a few reasons which I'm not going to go into.  In the fullness of time, maybe you'll figure it out.  One is subtle, one is logical, one is whimsy.  None of it has anything to do with annoyance at my own predicament.