Thursday, August 22, 2024

Aggession progression

 I have had a number of people react to my accusation that 'men have a problem'.  In my earliest work, I was probably a bit inaccurate in my phrasing.  It may have come out 'men are the problem'.

The worst part is that women are becoming more and more exposed (saturated) with the man's world.  It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish bad behaviour as stemming from the male gender.

Don't get me wrong.  It is still utterly clear if anyone looks closely enough.  All of the aggression and other bad behaviours stem from  the male dominance.  The male dominance ... well, do I really need to get into it all, again.  I feel like I've shown enough of the links in the chain to convince any sane person that men have a problem and, thus, cause humanity to have a problem.   Instead, what we have done for millennia is justify the behaviour.  The links all lead back to the human realization that coitus could be a lot better for humans.  We cannot avoid the conclusion because we are sentient.  What we haven't realized is that because we are sentient, that also means we can overcome the deficiency.  If no one finds a way to make that happen, the same malarkey that we tolerate today will be tolerated to the end of human life, which shouldn't take too long.  We won't last long enough to spread our ill off of this planet.

Maybe, if humanity is real lucky, some women will find some way to open their male children's eyes to the possibility that they can perform loving coitus.  Maybe those children, in turn, grow up and find a way to pass it on to other young males that are tired of putting on an act in order to convince some woman to love them (and, then, immediately drop the act, once they become partners with the woman).

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