Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Sorry.  This is rather old.  And, it made more sense a few days ago...  Funny.  The .last line, like after the poem still makes sense.  Avalanche is is much better today.   

The numinous

As the numinous began to stir

I raised  my eyes to sight of Her

And heart began to rise

In sensing of Her precious love

From up above to thoughts thereof

She graced my loving Skies

To guide me on from dusk to dawn

To lay the song upon the lawn

And watch as weeping dries

No slightest doubt, no  shorter route

With heart devout and feelings stout

I listen to the drum

I'll follow it for all my days

Through wickets wired to feel the craze

Upon our hearts, I strum

Ah, it's good to feel release

The loving arms will never cease

As empty as may be

To fill the arms, the final goal

The honest heart with loving role

A goal that keeps me free

To love You 'cross so many lives

Sends me, long, on deepest dives

With hearts in apogee

Defining life is still to come

The loving wrapped around the drum

The loving hearts set free

You are my intention

With life in abstention

I'll love you through all of the night

Until I can love you all right

You are my muse and so much more than that across all lives. 

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