Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Chronology Of The Human Race

The Chronology Of The Human Race

A. We started to walk on two legs.
B. We learned to communicate in a much more sophisticated manner than any life form before.  
    1.  We did not particularly elucidate or articulate reality.
    2.  Instead, we made stuff up to cover our lack of knowledge.
    3.  Awareness we had.  Knowledge was in the distant future.
C. We realized that coitus was an inequitable proposition.
    1. It seems this came first, by a few tens of thousand of years.
    2.  It only became significant with sentient awareness.
        a. We looked each other in the eye during coitus.
        b. We could have sex all of the time.
        c.  It was an unnecessary inequitable proposition.
            1)Women were not sharing equally in the pleasure.
           2) And we knew it.
           3) It baffled us so badly that we hid from it. 
            4) It was up to men to make it equitable.
D.  We communicated on an order never before available.
    1.  We avoided the subject of sex.
        a.  It bothered us and we didn't want to consider it at all.
        b.  We certainly didn't want to talk about it.
        c.  We had not a clue what to do about it.
    2.  Our sentient awareness of reality became derailed.
    3. Can you see how that leads us right down to today?
E.  Because of D.1., we were at a loss. 
    1.  It made life seem hopeless.
    2.  We didn't want to talk about it.
        a. Especially men.
    3.  Some just couldn't keep their mouths shut.
        a.  Explanations were required. 
            A)  Pandora's Box was written in the west
                1) Hope remained in the box 
                    a) For some, vague, future date.
                    b) That was not good enough, so
            B)  The Garden Of Eden followed to emphasize the point.
                1) It did not resolved the outstanding question.
                      a) That was not its intent.
               2)  It began the blame game.
                        3) It blamed women and cursed sentience.
        4. "Save Face" was adopted in the East 
            a. Intent was similar 
                A) Cope with the gaping hole in sentient reality.
                B)  Survival, not success    
            b.  From here on, I will concentrate on the West.
                A)  Religion was manipulated
                B)  It declared that sex was just for making babies.
                C)  Correlation of sex to love was destroyed.
                D)  Women were relieved of unnecessary sex.
                E)  That did not work well for men.
                F)  The war of the sexes was initiated.
        5. We accepted the animal's version of sex.
            a. We never looked back.
            b. And, yet, we couldn't commit to it.
                1) Our sentience continued to intervene.
                2)  Our sentient potential was shredded.
                3) Loving coitus remained absent
                4) Countless forms of predations on women continued.
            c. The stupour of the animal continued unchecked.
                1) It blocked the obvious lack our sentience revealed.
                    A) Like the River Lethe
                    B) Our sentient intellect was left without guidance.
                        1) It withered as it was suppressed.
                        2) The heart was never educated.
                        3) Men continued to become more toxic.
                    C) Hope remained in the box, forgotten.
            d. Coitus was required in order to stay extant as a race.
                1) It was not enough for a sentient race.
                    A) It blunted our sentient awareness.
                        a) Sentient reality was never fulfilled.
            e) The animal's act of coitus was not enough.
                    1; Our sentient awareness requires more.
                    2; We remain demented.
    5.  We became convinced that sentience was a disaster.
        a.  We shrugged our shoulders and cursed sentience.
                    1. We moved on.
                    2. We rained down destruction in our witless state.
        b.  We became convinced
                    1. We were nothing more than animals 
                    2.  We became convinced we had too much brains.
        c.  We wreak havoc on all within our purview.
        d.  It continued to drive us mad.
F.  Fast forward to the last few centuries.
    1.  Samuel Richardson, in 1740.
        a. He began the process of revelation.
        b. He wrote idealistically.
        c.  He wrote the first modern romance novel.
        d.  "Happily ever after" became the rage.
            1) It fooled a lot of humanity for a long time.
    2.  Next was Freud.
        a, He delved into why sex drives us crazy. 
        b. That really began to reveal the true situation.
    3.  Communication became more sophisticated.
        a.Women became fed up and could compare.
        b.  Abused, misused, subjugated, and ignored for too long.
        c. 1903 the suffragette movement began.
        d. "Happily ever after" had grated women for a long time.
        e. The realization began.
        f. They were treated as chattel began.
            1) The feminist movement began.
    4.  The next step was"Free Love".
        a. Another attempt to avoid facing reality.
        b. It became clear, in less than a generation.
            1)"Free Love" was nothing more than "Free Sex".
               a) Note coitus was equated with sex at the time.
        c. Very satisfying for men.
        d. Not so much for women.
  5. Coitus became exposed for its lack (in its animal form).
        a. No consideration that coitus could assume a human form.
           1) Remember the hope left in Pandora's Box?
G.  The issue was blown open.
   1. It can never to be put back in its cage of stupour.
   2. The issue is now clear
     a. Yet, still, we procrastinate.
     b. Still we dodge facing the subject openly
     c. We continue to rely on nonsensical paradigms.
   3.  "Sexual orientation" became the rage in response.
        a.  It boldly declared the couple should share the pleasure
        b. However it was done.
        c. Rage is the correct word.
           1) Heterosexuals hated the exposure
           2) The fact was animal coitus was pitiful, at best.
H.  I came along and explained things in a rational manner.   
    1. Men can be good at coitus
        a. We just need use the sentience we have cursed for ages.
        b. Remember the hope in Pandora's Box?
            1) Coitus can become a preferred form of sex.
            2)  We can control our bodies.
               a) That reinforces the love between a couple.
                  1} Rather than digging its grave.
    3. Loving can become the preferred and only form of coitus.
    4. Humanity can finally put its head on straight.
    5. Humanity can display sentient characteristics
        a. We can finally accept our sentient state.
            1) Emotionally balanced
            2) Intelligent, as a common expectation
            3) Rational
            4) Loving
            5) Stable
            6) Sentient
            7) Human

The following is not really significant to the timeline.  I just love it.

    X. "The Princess Bride" by Morgenstern was written.

        a.  The novel (not the movie) delved into "Happily ever after" in a biting manner.

        b.  It exposed the truth that is the vast majority of relationships.

            1.  Men will say or do anything to get laid.

                a.  Marriage was always meant to assure the man sex, no matter how bad it was.

                    1)  It seldom worked that way.

                        a) Unless the man dominates the woman or the sexual drive is minimal.

                            1; Also known as domestic violence, in one form or another.

                        b) The man realizes he is not up to snuff, sooner or later.

                        3) The man becomes morose, withdrawn.

                    2)  The man's failure to make it suitable to both most often ended in 

                        a) less sex. 

                        b) a miserable marriage.

                        c) war between the sexes at the scale of a couple's relationship.

                    3)  Humanity remained crazy.


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