Saturday, August 17, 2024

Witlessness (or stupour)

I've had another thought regarding what makes people believe it is impossible to expect drastic change to the human condition.  They look around and see all of the stupidity, ineptness, and folly.  How does this change?  How does unleashing our sentient awareness rid us of stupidity?  

It is not a matter of stupidity.  It is just a stupour.  We shunt a great deal of our sentient awareness into our subconscious by denying that coitus can become a shared fulfillment for a sentient race.  We suppress our sentience.  It blankets so much conscious thought and puts warning signs on so much more to never think that it cripples our sentient consciousness.  

Thus, the stupour.  We can never rid ourselves of sentient awareness.  We only shunt it aside and develop conditioning to make sure it remains undisturbed.  That just drives us mad because the evidence slowly becomes clear post-puberty, whether we like it not.  It pounds on the door to be heard, which makes the effort to suppress it all the greater, causing the stupour to become even more prevalent.  As the generations pass, it becomes clearer earlier and earlier in life.

The problem with the female's attempts to tame the male gender is that we are not just animals.  We know what the real problem is (because of our sentient awareness), no matter how deeply it is buried in the subconscious.  It always remains lurking there, no matter how hard we try to blind ourselves.  It cripples us as a race until we face it and do something about it.  Making up stories and excuses just drives us mad.

We have to realize that we are intelligent.  We are smart, if you prefer that term.  All of us.  It is not a matter of book learning.  We are intelligent enough to overcome the animal's instinctual strictures that forces coitus to remain a rutting, loveless act.  We can think.  Loving coitus should be as commonly accepted as walking on two legs or talking.  I am certain the effort is similar.  It will be difficult to do only until it has been proven out thoroughly.

 The biggest challenge is not making coitus a reliable loving act.   It is bringing down the stupour's walls behind which every man cowers in fear and creates chaos as a distraction rather than admit the truth.  

Any possibility of making the problem apparent without its resolution at hand is problematic, at best.  It is why we are still stuck with the issue millennia after it became apparent.  We have not gotten past the belief that there is nothing to be done.  Even if a man makes the effort, it lacks conviction.  That's why it's time for me to move on.  I cannot get any further in this life at this age.  I proved it to myself but I am in no shape to prove it to anyone else any longer.  I can't think of any alternatives and no one has suggested any.

Once again, I find myself journeying beyond words that I can apply. 

Like so much I've had to say, I could ramble on endlessly trying to clarify.  So, maybe I've learned something, since I am not going to do that.  

La Vie Prochain.

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