Thursday, August 22, 2024


Well, I guess I'm done bitching and moaning and whining and pining.  I roll my eyes.  Some more may pop up over the next few months but I'll try to filter them out.

I had a wake up call today.  Don't get me wrong, if I could have found an elegant way to gracefully exit, I would have probably been long gone.  But, I've had a reversal that might actually go the distance.  

It's hard to explain.  I hit the wall and bounced.  Maybe as time progresses, I'll be able to explain it more but I think I'm done explaining.  I hope I'm done explaining, since it doesn't seem to make a bit of difference.

The biggest thing is that I'm anxious to get a move on.  We have been dumbed down for so long by accepting what a sentient race should not.  It seems like we are shedding what little sophistication, as a race, that we had scraped together.  Like we are getting closer to the animal or putting more distance between us and our humanity but, then again, it all goes in cycles and we are at the bottom of the pit, right now.

Then, there's the fact that it sure seems we are approaching the precipice as our weapons get more and more devastating.  Maybe that is leveling off, also, though we already are equipped with enough to send us all back to the dark ages.  But, I don't want to go gloom and doom too much.  I usually keep all of that to myself - unless it verges on the topic of our sentience.

Anyways, I may not have much more to write here on anything.  The rhoetry is pretty dried up, except for my yearly outburst.  Even that is awfully muffled this year.  Two rhoems for the occasion??!?!

And, prose, I am so tired of wracking my brain.  I'm going to go out and do something far, far from where I am right now, literally and, maybe, metaphorically.  I pretty much have a plan in mind.  It had been bubbling in the back of my mind for ages but the pieces all seemed to fall in place today.  Well, most of the pieces.  Enough to get me the hell outta here (literally, not metaphorically).  Maybe I can even use Une Autre Vie to change directions a bit.  Have some fun.  Keep the serious stuff over on A Sentient Perspective.  I would expect that ASP will be pretty silent, except I might move a few pieces from here over to there.


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