Monday, August 12, 2024

" Metaphors"

 Musings, metaphors, and mammocks

Life is like the clouds or stars or ripples on the ocean

But, grandest of them all, so like the universe in motion

The patterns seen depend upon the thoughts within one's mind

Superficial images, so often, what we find

The whole that takes the breath away and leaves one in a state

Of richness served, much more than kings, the blessedness of fate

Complexity of clouds is smoothed by distance

And, to the breeze, they offer least resistance

Adapting form of breezes as they sway

Existing still, they bend their will away

The stars will spark but, far beyond, they light the cosmic tree

Twinkling through the black of night, arrayed for all to see

A scintillating spectacle that burns when one is near

Or, warms with gentle touch of heart through distances we steer

The ocean's ripples build to waves that span across the planet

Frothing far without release until it touches granite

The slightest ruffle in the water weaves with all the rest

Swirling in the tides of time to build the sweeping crest

The universe contains it all, the ripples, light, and storm

To pass beyond and coalesce the order and the form

Infinity's expanse defines, the goal as resolute

To reach for stars, to ride the clouds, and bathe in life's pursuit 

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