Monday, August 12, 2024

" Unscripted"


All the wonders of this life I ponder

Through vast array of miracles I wander

What in this world, alone, makes life complete

The longing duly filled, abyss replete

A hint is found within your subtle grace

The corner of the eye perceives a trace

A glinting of the spark that sets the pace

A sense that, here at last, with heart and lace

'Tis not the cupboard 'neath the stairway's steps

Long forgotten cobwebs, brief concepts

That rattle through the mind upon the way

Through scattered miracles in vast array

Protecting heart's thin walls in times of need

Seeing way through false and crippled creed

But, steady as the gaze upon your eye

The sense of hope remains, again, I try 

The answer is this heart of you and I 

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