Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Garden Of Eden revsited

All of these were written before I wrote off trying to convince anyone any longer in this life.  So, I hate to have it go to waste...  I don't think I rant too much...

 First of all, let's be clear.  The Garden Of Eden is a MYTH.  It is a fictional story written to teach a lesson.  Unlike Pandora's Box, which is also a myth, The Garden Of Eden had an ugly agenda.  Pandora's Box tried to explain why humanity was screwed up.  With no success, I might add.

The Garden Of Eden was written to give power to men over women and blame women and our sentient state for all of our troubles.  It was written soon after Pandora's Box and was meant to counter (distort is truly a better word) the truth that Pandora's Box so obliquely referenced.

I guess I should go through Pandora's Box one more time.  Pandora's Box tries to explain the predicament that humanity faced (still does).  But, humanity was not ready to face it.  Sentience (the gift box from the god's) when opened release chaos (the realization that coitus was not all it should be for a human, sentient race).  The point is all about the hope left in the box.  If mankind had the sense at the time to accept the truth and struggled to figure out how to make coitus equally pleasing and, thereby, equitable without freaking out, all would have proceeded nicely.  It was a critical insight.  Humanity wasn't ready for it and most, which is no different than today, couldn't even understand it.

The Garden Of Eden was a riposte.  Instead of looking forward with a will and hope, it destroyed any chance of humanity attaining what is still critically required: an answer to how to make coitus a loving event.

The Garden Of Eden starts with women being, by the act of a fictional god, subservient to men.  After all, the woman, according to this cruel myth, was just god giving the man something to play with by breaking off a rib (check it sometime, men are not missing a rib, by the way) to make a plaything for him.

Three thousand years ago, we were set on the course of all-out war of the sexes in the West.

Then, just to make sure the lesson was learned by women, they were blamed for all of the havoc.  A snake, for goodness sake (it still makes me laugh at the irony of that choice), had tempted woman into gaining knowledge (sentience, again) by biting into an apple!  Knowledge was a curse!  Sentience was a curse! Where does that leave us?

Right there, in a single stroke, the story condemns both women and sentient awareness.  The awareness that made it crystal clear that humanity should fix what is inequitable about coitus for the sake of the race.  Men were not to blame for not being able to make coitus better (can you hear them whine? by the way, it can be made to be a loving event and that is what I've tried to explain for fifteen years).  Women were to blame for noticing that men got all of the benefit from the transaction, while women got the extremely difficult result of birthing a child and no more.

If you want to be really blunt about it, men were reduced to a lazy caricature by this fictional story.

'Nuff said.

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