Sunday, August 18, 2024

As good as it gets

 Maybe as good as it gets, today, is a man with low sexual drive, since the woman can probably tolerate inadequate sex once in a long while.

Or, maybe it is a man who is willing to humble himself enough to find an alternative way to make sure the woman is as satisfied as he with the sexual engagement.

Or, maybe it is other sexual orientations.

Or, maybe it's the couple with low expectations.  Mine are sky high.

It is certainly not the couple in which the woman is dominated into having sex as often as the man wants without the slightest interest given to the woman's satisfaction or predicament.  That is the crux on which domestic abuse is nailed, in whatever form.  Mind games and physical violence are the two most often employed.

None of the above is as good or as simple and straightforward as loving coitus while looking into the eyes of your lover, though that still remains to be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.  (that's an eye-roll you detect)

One thing seems clear.  Even once loving coitus becomes an accepted practice.  Matched sexual drives for a couple seem certain to still be an important criteria.  I'm just not sure that low sexual drive is not a result of the absence of loving coitus, though I am sure it is a factor to some extent.  It is certainly the source of the obsessions about sex, at least, in most cases.

I mention in the previous post that it is not about book learning.  I did not uncover any of this because of book learning.  Book learning in the form of speculative fiction only freed my mind to possibilities.  It was living life and observing all of the incongruities, with a steady belief that anything is possible (like becoming human), that made it all clear.  It was an insurmountable will to carry on that got me through.  It was only the insurmountable irony that will end it.

I had a long rant in the previous post, as well, about the misdirection of 'education' that I deleted.  While I believe education, of course, is important.  It will never make us human.  It is important only when it frees the mind to think, against all of the intentions of all of the educational systems we currently proclaim.  The educational systems cannot be otherwise until we become human.  I can't really say what role education will play in a human existence.  All I know is that it does not make us human.  You are not 'educated' into walking on two legs and talking.  You will not be 'educated' into loving coitus, though, initially, it may appear that way.

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